Thursday, October 20, 2016

Stuffy Nose: Causes, Treatments, Precautions

Stuffy nose is a condition, accompanied by a vast array of unpleasant sensations, impairing the quality of your life: difficulty breathing , sleep disorders, lack of appetite. Fatigue, headaches after sleep, general weakness, and drop in the work activity - every one of these symptoms are brought about by inadequate supply of oxygen to the mind because of long haul or steady nasal clog. 80% of patients claim that this condition presents to them the maximal distress. How to handle the issue? How about we discover.(you can get more home remedies from here)

Symptoms and Vessel-Narrowing Nasal Drops

The first remedy, most of us grab, as soon as there are the first signs of nasal congestion, is nasal products, narrowing blood vessels.

They cause narrowing of blood vessels and promote breathing. However, their action is limited in time: as a rule, the effect lasts for 4-6 hours. With the long-term usage of such drops, the muscle wall of the vessels refuses to work independently. After seven days of usage, edema occurs to the nasal mucous membrane.

A patient begins to use the drops more frequently and wonders why he/she can't get rid of the nasal congestion. Very simply, the constant affection of the vessel-narrowing falls impairs tropism of the nasal mucous membrane:

Vessels are in contracted, the mucous membrane, deprived of nutrition, begins to lose ciliated epithelium that is the major barrier just infection. That's why it's important not to eliminate the symptom, but to determine its cause and begin effective treatment.

Stuffy Nose: Causes

The condition may have allergic nature, be evoked by chronic inflammation or parched air. Nasal congestion often develops in pregnant women due to the general increase of the volume of circulating blood and mucous membrane edema. The most frequent cause is, however, the usage of wrong treatments, like the mentioned nasal drops, contracting vessels.

Stuffy Nose: Treatment

The first step is you visit a doctor to exclude a possibility of polyps in the nasal cavity or nasal septum distortion. These conditions require surgeries.
Get an air humidifier for your home. Sometimes even taking this measure allows you to get rid of chronic pharyngitis or other symptoms of a common cold, revealing as throat pain when swallowing and nasal congestion. Sometimes all these problems are associated with air dryness during the heating period. Dry mucous membrane, covering airways, simply can't function properly and is very vulnerable to any microbes.

Use natural medical products, causing no addiction. Try products based on Nature - a medication by cyclamen extract, promoting the local protection and triggering the mechanism of natural self-cleaning of the nasal cavity and sinuses from mucus and puss. The product may be used in patients with chronic sinusitis once a day during 6-8 days, independently or as a part of a complex therapy.

If your symptoms are raging and you need to see a doctor, there are several options.For a case that needs faster attention, you can visit an urgent care clinic for diagnosis and treatment. If you experience dire sinus infection symptoms, such as an extremely high temperature, the inability to breathe, or are losing consciousness, it might be wise to contact emergency services or visit an emergency room. However, it is a rare event that a sinus infection can't handled through fewer emergency methods.

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